Vaccai – Practical Method of Italian Singing
Vaccai – Practical Method of Italian Singing
High Soprano Vocal – Difficulty: medium
Italian composer Nicola Vaccai (1790-1848) was known for his operas in his day, but today is remembered as a master voice teacher. Vaccai composed these exercises for training the classical voice, extending range and increasing agility, breath support, and all other technical issues of singing. The art of singing reached a zenith in Italy in 1800-1840. Vaccai’s “Practical Method” has been used by millions of singers since its first publication in Europe in the 19th century. Schirmer released the first American edition in the early 20th century, and it remains a classic for voice study. The method comes in various editions for different voice types, including this one for mezzo-soprano, alto or baritone.
Song List (34)
Lesson 1
La Scala – The Scale
Salti di Terza – Intervals of Thirds
Lesson 2
Salti di Quarta – Intervals of Fourths
Salti di Quinta – Intervals of Fifths
Lesson 3
Salti di Sesta – Intervals of Sixths
Lesson 4
Salti di Settima – Intervals of Sevenths
Salti di Ottava – Intervals of Octaves
Lesson 5
I Semitoni – The Semitones
Lesson 6
Modo Sincopato – Syncopation
Lesson 7
Introduzione alle Volate – Preparatory Example for the Roulade
Lesson 8
Le Appoggiature sopra, e sotto – Appogiaturas above and below
L’Acciaccatura – The Acciaccatura
Lesson 9
Introduzione al Mordente – Preparatory Example for the Mordent
Il Medesimo in diversi modi – The same exemplified in various ways
Lesson 10
Introduzione al Gruppetto – Preparatory Example for the Turn
Il Gruppetto – The Turn
Lesson 11
Introduzione al Trillo – Preparatory Example for the Shake
Lesson 12
Le Volate – On Roulades
Lesson 13
Modo per portare la voce – On the Glide or manner of carrying the Voice
Lesson 14
Il Recitativo – On Recitative
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